Если человек оказывается в супер-, в сверх-, в мегастрессовой ситуации, тонкий культурный слой отлетает как фантик от «рачков». Если вокруг «колет, рубит, режет, бой барабанный, клики, скрежет, гром пушек, топот, ржанье, стон, и смерть, и ад со всех сторон», человек возвращается в самой ранней своей, первобытной, ... more →
the only way you would force me to incrementally search for a 16 character password is if you used a 16 character random password, and nobody is using 16 character random passwords. you may /say/ that you do on the forums to increase your e-peen, but statistics clearly show that 91%+ of you are not.
Я привык жить стильно, то есть хорошие вещи и аксессуары, типа опасной бритвы, винтажной аппаратуры, в том же стиле машина, квартира.
Surprisingly enough, it makes it far enough to give the illusion it might be usable.
[23:30:46] ojab.ru> [2013-03-19 23:30:46] The account vulvamastership@ojab.ru was registered from IP address on node 'ejabberd@ojab.ru' using mod_register.
What if a little site you love doesn't have a business model? Yell at the developers! Explain that you are tired of good projects folding and are willing to pay cash American dollar to prevent that from happening.
The bootstrap problem could be resolved by ensuring that GCC version N-1 could always build GCC version N, and that they could link statically against libstdc++. GCC version N-1 must be linked against libstdc++ N-1 while it is building GCC N and libstdc++ N; GCC N, in turn, will need libstdc++ N. Static linking ... more →
Over the course of our relationship, I’ve had multiple conversations with the man I’m dating now about boundaries and feelings. I call him “Daddy,” and as you might suspect, there are aspects of power exchange in our relationship. I am his. My body is his, my mouth, vagina, and asshole are his—and my heart is his. ... more →
I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure that you can't get pregnant if you're completely abstinent. There's that whole Virgin Mary thing, but if I start factoring in acts of God, the topic gets too wacky to wrap my head around. I'm also pretty sure you can't get pregnant if you stick to masturbation, are a woman who ... more →
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Его Инопланетейшество, Ксеноморф Алиенович Чужой.
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