
RainerGomes 09.09.2012 10:10

Второтег как он есть:
SQL*Plus does not have a SQL or PL/SQL command parser. It scans the first few keywords of each new statement to determine the command type, SQL, PL/SQL or SQL*Plus. Comments in some locations can prevent SQL*Plus from correctly identifying the command type, giving unexpected results. ...
1) Do ... more →

RainerGomes 31.08.2012 16:45

первотег для второтега

ulidtko 30.06.2011 22:27

>>> import unicodedata
>>> unzalgo = lambda s: filter(lambda char: not unicodedata.combining(char) and not char in u'\u034f\u0489', s)
>>> print unzalgo(open("/tmp/p1").read().decode('utf-8', "ignore"))

*говнокодинг is used by:

