rapture 12.08.2011 14:50 unknown

Everywhere in GNOME applications code you can
find hardcoded paths, to binaries, libraries, include
directories... Linux people assume that everything is
always installed under the /usr PREFIX. That is not the
case on any of the BSDs, the default PREFIX for external
applications (i.e. not included in the base system) is
different (OpenBSD and FreeBSD use /usr/local while
NetBSD uses /usr/pkg).
accountsservice – While technically a Freedesktop.org
project, it’s used heavily by gnome-settings-daemon
and the gnome-control-center. This software is a good
example of how people develop having only Linux in
mind. Most paths are hardcoded and spawned utilities
assume Linux behavior (usermod(8), chkconfig...).
There is currently work to create an external helper for
Это просто охуенни. OpenSource код высшего качества. А я вот думаю, к чему тот программер из гнома поднимал крик — давайте дропнем все "маргинальные" плаnформы. Вот оно значит, для чего. Причем, как я понял, accountsservice это, строго говоря, ПО к которому должны быть применены повышенные требования к качеству кода...
Currently we have two OpenBSD developers with
commit access to the GNOME git repository, Jasper and
Jonathan Matthew (jmatthew@openbsd.org) so I will try
and convince them of removing Linux as a supported
platform and help making GNOME an OpenBSD only
Desktop ;-)

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