/* superstrip - strip an ELF executable of all unmapped information */ /* Written by David Madore */ /* Modified by Laurent Bercot for use with skalibs */ /* First version: 2002-09-03 */ /* This version: 2017-05-24 */ /* This file is in the Public Domain -- David Madore */ /* However, I kindly request that any copy of this program that is * modified by someone other than myself be clearly labeled as such in * the comments above, and use a distinguishing tag on the version * string above; or else be called by some other name than * "superstrip". */ /* This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Use at your own * risk. */ /* This version is still in ALPHA stage of development! */ /* Syntax is: superstrip [file] */ /* [file] must be a seekable ELF file, and this is only useful for an * executable, possibly only for a statically linked executable. It * will be copied to a temporary file, but only those parts which are * mapped in memory upon loading will be kept: all other data, such as * symbol names, section names, section tables, debugging information, * etc, are discarded. Thus, this is like the "strip" operation, but * even more radical. The primary author advises you to use * this program only in situations where disk space is extremely * scarce (e.g. on a floppy). Note that this will not gain you any * space in memory, by definition. */ /* Some important caveats: */ /* Do not use on object files, nor on dynamic libraries with which you * intend to link (I mean ld-link, not run-time link), this would make * them useless. Use on dynamic libraries only intended for run-time * link, or on dynamically linked executable, appears to work in some * situations, but this is by no means guaranteed (of course, nothing * about this program is guaranteed anyway, see above) and strongly * discouraged. */ /* Only 32-bit ELF is supported at the moment. Support for 64-bit ELF * is intended in a future version. */ /* Only native endianness is supported. That is, the program will * only treat ELF files made for a machine with the same endianness as * that on which it runs. */ /* This has not been extensively tested yet and many bugs are probably * still lurking. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFSIZE 8192 #define USAGE "superstrip file" #ifdef HASLITTLE_ENDIAN #define ENDIAN 0 #else #ifdef HASBIG_ENDIAN #define ENDIAN 1 #else #define ENDIAN (-1) #endif #endif /* The default page size (4 kilobytes): this is for Intel - double as * necessary on other architectures (Sparc...) or if you get a warning * about alignment not being multiple of page size. */ #ifndef PAGESIZE #define PAGESIZE 0x1000 #endif /* FreeBSD lacks those in */ #ifndef ELFMAG #define ELFMAG "\177ELF" #endif #ifndef SELFMAG #define SELFMAG 4 #endif static char const *oldname ; static char const *tmpname ; static Elf32_Ehdr ehdr ; /* ELF header */ static Elf32_Phdr *phdr ; /* Program header (table) */ static Elf32_Off ph_offset ; /* Offset of the latter in file */ static Elf32_Word ph_filesz ; /* Size of program header table */ static int cleanup () { return unlink(tmpname) ; } static void read_hdrs () /* Read headers from ELF file. */ { if (allread(0, (char *)&ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) < sizeof(ehdr)) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "read ELF header in ", oldname) ; if (memcmp(ehdr.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG)) strerr_dief2x(100, oldname, " is not an ELF file") ; if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32) { char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[uint_fmt(fmt, ehdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS])] = 0 ; strerr_dief4x(100, oldname, ": ELF class ", fmt, " not supported") ; } { char elfdata2[2] = { ELFDATA2LSB, ELFDATA2MSB } ; if (ENDIAN < 0) strerr_dief1x(100, "machine endianness not supported") ; if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] != elfdata2[ENDIAN]) { char *what[2] = { "little", "big" } ; char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[ulong_fmt(fmt, ehdr.e_ident[EI_DATA])] = 0 ; strerr_dief6x(100, oldname, ": data encoding ", fmt, " not supported on this ", what[ENDIAN], "-endian machine") ; } } if (ehdr.e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT) { char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[uint_fmt(fmt, ehdr.e_ident[EI_VERSION])] = 0 ; strerr_dief4x(100, oldname, ": ELF file version ", fmt, " not supported") ; } if (ehdr.e_type != ET_EXEC) strerr_warnw2x(oldname, " is not an executable") ; if (ehdr.e_version != EV_CURRENT) { char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[ulong_fmt(fmt, (unsigned long)ehdr.e_version)] = 0 ; strerr_dief4x(100, oldname, ": ELF version ", fmt, " not supported") ; } if (ehdr.e_phoff == 0) strerr_dief2x(100, oldname, " has no program header") ; if (ehdr.e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf32_Phdr)) { char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[ulong_fmt(fmt, (unsigned long)ehdr.e_phentsize)] = 0 ; strerr_dief3x(100, oldname, ": unexpected program header entries size: ", fmt) ; } if (ehdr.e_phnum == 0) strerr_dief2x(100, oldname, ": program header has no entries") ; phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *)alloc(ehdr.e_phnum * sizeof(Elf32_Phdr)) ; if (!phdr) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "map program header for ", oldname) ; if (lseek(0, ehdr.e_phoff, SEEK_SET) == -1) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "seek to program header for ", oldname) ; if (allread(0, (char *)phdr, ehdr.e_phnum * sizeof(Elf32_Phdr)) < ehdr.e_phnum * sizeof(Elf32_Phdr)) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "read program header for ", oldname) ; ph_offset = ehdr.e_phoff ; ph_filesz = ehdr.e_phentsize * ehdr.e_phnum ; } #ifdef DEBUG static void debug_print_segments () /* Print ELF mapped segments. */ { unsigned long i = 0 ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, PROG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, DEBUG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, oldname) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "segments are:\n") ; for (; i < (unsigned long)ehdr.e_phnum ; i++) { char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; char type[ULONG_FMT] ; char offset[ULONG_FMT] ; char filesz[ULONG_FMT] ; char align[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[ulong_fmt(fmt, i)] = 0 ; type[uint_fmt(type, (unsigned long)phdr[i].p_type)] = 0 ; offset[ulong_xfmt(offset, (unsigned long)phdr[i].p_offset)] = 0 ; filesz[ulong_xfmt(filesz, (unsigned long)phdr[i].p_filesz)] = 0 ; align[ulong_xfmt(align, (unsigned long)phdr[i].p_align)] = 0 ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, PROG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, DEBUG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "segment ") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, fmt) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, " (type ") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, type) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "): offset=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, offset) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", filesz=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, filesz) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", align=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, align) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, "\n", 1) ; } buffer_flush(buffer_2) ; } #endif /* The regions in the file which are mapped in memory, _consecutive_ * and _disjoint_. */ typedef struct region_s region, *region_ref ; struct region_s { region_ref next ; /* (linked list) */ Elf32_Off offset ; /* Offset in input file */ Elf32_Word filesz ; /* Region size (bytes) */ Elf32_Word disp ; /* Input->output file displacement */ Elf32_Off toffset ; /* (Target) offset in output file */ } ; static region_ref first_region ; static void compute_regions () /* Determine which file regions are "important" (that is, contain * a segment or the ELF header or the program header). */ { long i ; /* i==-2 => ELF header */ /* i==-1 => program header */ /* i>=0 => section i */ for (i = -2 ; i < (long)ehdr.e_phnum ; i++) { region_ref p = 0, q = first_region ; Elf32_Off s_offset ; Elf32_Word s_filesz ; if (i == -2) { s_offset = 0 ; s_filesz = sizeof(ehdr) ; } else if (i == -1) { s_offset = ph_offset ; s_filesz = ph_filesz ; } else { if (phdr[i].p_type == PT_NULL) continue ; if (phdr[i].p_align != 0 && PAGESIZE % phdr[i].p_align != 0) strerr_warnw2x(oldname, ": alignment not multiple of page size") ; s_offset = phdr[i].p_offset ; s_filesz = phdr[i].p_filesz ; } if (s_filesz == 0) continue ; /* s_offset and s_filesz contain the offset and size of a part * of the file that is important and should be added (if needed) * to the regions list. */ while (q && (q->offset < s_offset)) { p = q ; q = p->next ; } if (p && ((p->offset + p->filesz) >= s_offset)) { /* Merge with previous region. */ if ((s_offset + s_filesz) > (p->offset + p->filesz)) p->filesz = s_offset - p->offset + s_filesz ; } else { region_ref t = (region_ref)alloc(sizeof(region)) ; if (!t) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "allocate region for ", oldname) ; if (p) p->next = t ; else first_region = t ; p = t ; p->next = q ; p->offset = s_offset ; p->filesz = s_filesz ; } while (q && (q->offset <= (p->offset + p->filesz))) { /* Merge with next region. */ p->next = q->next ; if ((q->offset + q->filesz) > (p->offset + p->filesz)) p->filesz = q->offset - p->offset + q->filesz ; alloc_free(q) ; q = p->next ; } } } static void compute_disps () /* Now compute displacements from input file to output file: we * impose them to be multiple of PAGESIZE. */ /* (Note: this whole displacement bit seems pretty much unused, * complicating the program immensely; but, who knows, we may * find an ELF with huge unmapped sections in the middle.) */ { region_ref p ; Elf32_Word curdisp ; Elf32_Off curoff = 0 ; for (p = first_region ; p ; p = p->next) { curdisp = ((p->offset - curoff)/PAGESIZE) * PAGESIZE ; p->disp = curdisp ; p->toffset = p->offset - curdisp ; curoff = p->toffset + p->filesz ; } } #ifdef DEBUG static void debug_print_regions () { region_ref p ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, PROG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, DEBUG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, oldname) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "computed regions are:\n") ; for (p = first_region ; p ; p = p->next) { char offset[FMT_ULONG] ; char filesz[FMT_ULONG] ; char disp[FMT_ULONG] ; char toffset[FMT_ULONG] ; offset[ulong_xfmt(filesz, (unsigned long)p->offset)] = 0 ; filesz[ulong_xfmt(filesz, (unsigned long)p->filesz)] = 0 ; disp[ulong_xfmt(filesz, (unsigned long)p->disp)] = 0 ; toffset[ulong_xfmt(filesz, (unsigned long)p->toffset)] = 0 ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, PROG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, DEBUG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "offset=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, offset) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", filesz=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, filesz) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", displace by -0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, disp) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, " to 0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, toffset) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, "\n", 1) ; } buffer_flush(buffer_2) ; } #endif static void modify_hdrs () /* Modify ELF headers to take account of the displacement of * segments (and possibly the program header) and the removal of * section header table. */ { long i ; ehdr.e_shoff = 0 ; ehdr.e_shentsize = 0 ; ehdr.e_shnum = 0 ; ehdr.e_shstrndx = 0 ; for (i = -1 ; i < (long)ehdr.e_phnum ; i++) { region_ref p ; if ((i >= 0) && ((phdr[i].p_type == PT_NULL) || (phdr[i].p_filesz == 0))) continue ; for (p = first_region ; p ; p = p->next) if ((i == -1) ? ((ph_offset >= p->offset) && ((ph_offset + ph_filesz) <= (p->offset + p->filesz))) : ((phdr[i].p_offset >= p->offset) && (((phdr[i].p_offset + phdr[i].p_filesz) <= (p->offset + p->filesz))))) break ; if (!p) { char fmt[ULONG_FMT] ; fmt[ulong_fmt(fmt, i)] = 0 ; strerr_dief4x(101, "internal error: unable to find region for segment ", fmt, " in ", oldname) ; } if (i == -1) ehdr.e_phoff -= p->disp ; else phdr[i].p_offset -= p->disp ; } } static void process_file () /* Now that all preliminary information has been gathered, do the * actual processing, copying input file to output file, * performing necessary skips and replacements along the way. */ { region_ref p ; /* Copy region by region... */ for (p = first_region ; p ; p = p->next) { size_t thisoff, thisendoff ; size_t toread, thisread ; char buf[BUFSIZE] ; if (lseek(0, p->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu2sys(111, "seek input for ", oldname) ; } if (lseek(1, p->toffset, SEEK_SET) == -1) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu2sys(111, "seek output for ", oldname) ; } thisoff = p->offset ; toread = p->filesz ; /* ...and block by block in each region. */ while (toread > 0) { if (toread > BUFSIZE) thisread = BUFSIZE ; else thisread = toread ; if (allread(0, buf, thisread) < thisread) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu2sys(111, "read from ", oldname) ; } thisendoff = thisoff + thisread ; /* Adjust for modified ELF header if necessary. */ if (thisoff < sizeof(ehdr)) { size_t posa, posb ; size_t len ; posa = thisoff ; posb = 0 ; len = sizeof(ehdr) - posa ; if (len > (thisread - posb)) len = thisread - posb ; memcpy(buf + posb, ((char *)&ehdr) + posa, len) ; #ifdef DEBUG { char a[UINT_XFMT] ; char b[UINT_XFMT] ; char l[UINT_FMT] ; a[uint_xfmt(a, posa)] = 0 ; b[uint_xfmt(a, posb)] = 0 ; l[uint_fmt(a, len)] = 0 ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, PROG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, DEBUG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, oldname) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "ELF header posa=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, a) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", posb=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, b) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", len=") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, l) ; buffer_putflush(buffer_2, "\n", 1) ; } #endif } /* Adjust for modified program header if necessary. */ if ((thisoff < (ph_offset + ph_filesz)) && (ph_offset < thisendoff)) { size_t posa, posb ; size_t len ; if (thisoff < ph_offset) { posa = 0 ; posb = ph_offset - thisoff ; } else { posa = thisoff - ph_offset ; posb = 0 ; } len = ph_filesz - posa ; if (len > thisread - posb) len = thisread - posb ; memcpy(buf + posb, ((char *)phdr) + posa, len) ; #ifdef DEBUG { char a[UINT_XFMT] ; char b[UINT_XFMT] ; char l[UINT_FMT] ; a[uint_xfmt(a, posa)] = 0 ; b[uint_xfmt(a, posb)] = 0 ; l[uint_fmt(a, len)] = 0 ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, PROG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, DEBUG) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, oldname) ; buffer_putalign(buffer_2, ": ", 2) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, "section header posa=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, a) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", posb=0x") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, b) ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, ", len=") ; buffer_putsalign(buffer_2, l) ; buffer_putflush(buffer_2, "\n", 1) ; } #endif } if (allwrite(1, buf, thisread) < thisread) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu2sys(111, "write to temp file for ", oldname) ; } toread -= thisread ; thisoff += thisread ; } } } int main (int argc, char const *const *argv) { PROG = "superstrip" ; if (argc < 2) strerr_dieusage(100, USAGE) ; oldname = argv[1] ; { int fdr = open_readb(argv[1]) ; if (fdr == -1) strerr_diefu3sys(111, "open ", oldname, " for reading") ; if (fd_move(0, fdr) == -1) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "move fd for ", oldname) ; } read_hdrs() ; #ifdef DEBUG debug_print_segments() ; #endif compute_regions() ; compute_disps() ; #ifdef DEBUG debug_print_regions() ; #endif modify_hdrs() ; #ifdef DEBUG debug_print_segments() ; #endif { stralloc sa = STRALLOC_ZERO ; if (!stralloc_cats(&sa, oldname) || !stralloc_cats(&sa, ":superstrip:")) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "make temp file for ", oldname) ; if (random_sauniquename(&sa, 9) == -1) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "make temp file for ", oldname) ; sa.s[sa.len-1] = 0 ; tmpname = sa.s ; { struct stat st ; int fdw ; if (fstat(0, &st) == -1) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "stat ", oldname) ; fdw = open3(tmpname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL, st.st_mode & 0777) ; if (fdw == -1) strerr_diefu3sys(111, "open temp file ", tmpname, " for writing") ; if (fd_move(1, fdw) == -1) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "move fd for ", tmpname) ; } process_file() ; close(0) ; close(1) ; if (rename(tmpname, oldname) == -1) { cleanup() ; strerr_diefu4sys(111, "atomically rename ", tmpname, " into ", oldname) ; } } return 0 ; }