238328 14.03.2012 18:22 35290450681331746915830190

Ruby on Rails недостаточно?
Bash on Balls https://github.com/jayferd/balls
DOS on DOPE http://dod.codeplex.com/
COBOL ON COGS http://www.coboloncogs.org/INDEX.HTM
Haskell on a Horse http://www.on-a-horse.org/

Recommended by: @kb
1. 238328 14.03.2012 18:22 35290450681331746915830190

Hello developers. Look at your framework. Now look at me. Now back to your framework. Now back to me. Sadly, it isn't me. But if it stopped using side-effects and started using higher order functions for flow control, it could work like me. Look down. Back up. Where are you? You're on a boat. With the framework your framework could work like. Anything is possible when you're pure, functional, and lazy. I'm on a horse.

2. kuroneko 14.03.2012 18:23 Psi+


3. kuroneko 14.03.2012 18:25 Psi+

> http://haskell.on-a-horse.org/
> 500 — Internal Server Error

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