238328 10.03.2013 13:37 2264183456136291933192900

For such questions I always have the urge to answer π/2 and write up a function which generates exactly those first five elements. You can construct such a function easily with the use of the Dirac impulse. This proves the stupidity of such questions, which are not about any logical thinking, but about guessing what the examiner though about. Just like if they said "I though of a number, now guess which one is it.".

1. 238328 10.03.2013 13:37 2264183456136291933192900


2. ulidtko 10.03.2013 16:09

делал такое на жуйке

4. 238328ulidtko /3 10.03.2013 16:10

слоу //ты

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