I am also really happy that after all these years, the mainstream sound has come to them as opposed to the other way around.
Какими бы коррумпированными, алчными и бессердечными ни становились наше правительство, наш большой бизнес, наши СМИ, наши религиозные и благотворительные организации, музыка — никогда не утратит очарования. Если когда-нибудь я всё же умру — не дай бог, конечно — прошу написать на моей могиле такую эпитафию: «Для ... more →
My uncle’s dying wish was to have me sitting on his lap. He was in the electric chair.
My mother never breast fed me. She told me that she only liked me as a friend.
It basically gets down to this: you either get busy living, or get busy dying.
Just used FART
excellent little freeware
Only problem: the FART website icon isn't exactly tasteful, refined nor elegant ;)
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088484/boar... //пц //Try reading Comedy For Dummies. It's a real eye-opener.