kb 16.11.2011 09:37 c8541125

This is a five year old post. These days Python is probably the way to go with NumPy, SciPy, Theano, IPython, matplotlib, Cython, etc. I'm also really looking forward to PyPy's NumPy support — should allow you to write in pure Python code but still get most of the optimization benefits of writing in a statically typed compiled language like C++.


Да не может быть. Питон же недоязык!! Нет!!!

1. komar 16.11.2011 15:07 pavilion

Похапэ тоже с таким же успехом компилируется.

2. kbkomar /1 17.11.2011 10:54


3. komarkb /2 17.11.2011 11:01 pavilion

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