L29Ah 09.02.2012 19:27 tkabber-home

[22:05:12]<L29Ah> http://leechcraft.org/faq
[23:24:39]<atheros> L29Ah, are you promoting leechcraft?
[23:25:41]<L29Ah> i'm dropping a link and watching the reaction
[23:25:52]<atheros> L29Ah, you suck
[23:25:57]<L29Ah> why?
[23:26:10]<atheros> leechcraft is the definition of antisuckless and antiunix :P
[23:26:27]<atheros> it's the definition of evil (well, almost) :D

Recommended by: @lHooFool, @nekoexmachina
1. rman 09.02.2012 20:10 Gajim

чо за канал такой с америкосами?

2. 17eyes 09.02.2012 20:10 aeorch

А покажите мне этот чатик.

3. 17eyesrman /1 09.02.2012 20:12

Судя по "promoting leechcraft?", atheros не америкос.

4. L29Ahrman /1 09.02.2012 20:12 tkabber-home

Это не америкос, это поляк.

5. L29Ah17eyes /2 09.02.2012 20:12 tkabber-home

#sh.nexuiz на quakenet

6. L29Ah 09.02.2012 20:13 tkabber-home

[23:30:01]<s0rk> my reaction: don't care
[23:31:11]<atheros> I wouldn't care if this was posted by anyone else, but in case of L29Ah or waterlaz, it's just a crime :P
[23:31:53]<waterlaz> :3
[23:32:07]<atheros> ok, I'll rephrase that
[23:32:28]<atheros> in case of someone using xmonad or vim, it's a crime :P
[23:32:38]<waterlaz> >in the era of GUI applications using UNIX pipes with text-only data transfers is either extremely inefficient or not usable at all if one makes an application like LeechCraft, with modules abstracted from each other and from the core.
[23:32:39]<waterlaz> bullshit
[23:32:54]<atheros> emacs users suck by definition, so they may use leechcraft
[23:33:19]<L29Ah> they already have emacs, why do they need leechcraft?
[23:33:35]<atheros> typing wget or wput is always more effective than clicking your way through crappy GUI
[23:33:41]<atheros> L29Ah, +1 :D
[23:33:53]<waterlaz> <stupid old joke>they need a text editor for emacs?</stupid old joke>
[23:33:59]<L29Ah> also, i met leechcraft's lead developer several times and he's a dumbass
[23:34:13]<atheros> L29Ah, I'll tell you this
[23:34:38]<atheros> if they start developing compact GUIs, maybe I'll use them more
[23:35:25]<atheros> also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pla...
[23:35:57]<atheros> this movie was on an article in poland titled "Wayland: the grafical revolution in linux"
[23:37:03]<atheros> and all I see there is some windows rotating, maybe usefull to people on drugs, and a fucking bug when trying to move those windows
[23:38:21]<waterlaz> atheros, the whole video seems to be about wayland crashing all the tim
[23:38:23]<waterlaz> *time
[23:38:59]<atheros> I'd title the video "When Linux kernel meets Windows Vista"
[23:39:13]<L29Ah> nice
[23:39:18]<atheros> and now I'm pissed and full of agression
[23:39:22]<atheros> fuck!
[23:42:48]<waterlaz> atheros, what is the matter? :3
[23:43:35]<atheros> I got overexcited how modern GUI apps suck donkey balls
[23:44:29]<atheros> and how Gnome 3, Unity and Wayland started a quest to destroy linux
[23:45:00]<atheros> how can I look someone in the eyes and tell him linux is nice if most distros will give him this crap out of the box?
[23:46:41]<waterlaz> atheros,
[23:46:47]<waterlaz> start with pulse audio
[23:47:12]<waterlaz> "Pulse Audio — the first real reason to drop linux and install Vista"
[23:47:15]<atheros> waterlaz, don't get me started plz
[23:47:21]<waterlaz> that'd make a nice slogan
[23:47:41]<atheros> Pulse Audio is the first reason to start thinking which BSD to choose soon
[23:48:28]<atheros> Gnome3 / Unity is the reason to buy a new and bigger HD to install your new BSD
[23:48:32]<waterlaz> unfortunately the only deskktop choice is FreeBSD
[23:48:38]<atheros> Wayland will be the reason to actually do it
[23:49:29]<waterlaz> atheros, Wayland may not be that bad actually
[23:49:55]<atheros> waterlaz, do you know what is the difference between drawing 2d using a frame buffer and opengl?
[23:50:14]<waterlaz> no
[23:50:16]<waterlaz> :3
[23:50:27]<waterlaz> I've never used frame buffer at all
[23:50:42]<atheros> N math operation per every single pixel on screen
[23:50:47]<waterlaz> and opengl... I remember drawing a polygon in 3D(THREE D!!!!1!!11!!1)
[23:51:10]<atheros> framebuffer is basically flat memory where you put your pixels
[23:52:47]<atheros> all you need to do is to put data there, opengl however has a much longer pipeline with lots of transformations (even when none are actually required)
[23:54:05]<atheros> using this for everyday desktop display will use a lot more GPU and/or CPU which directly translate in $$$ you pay for electricity
[23:55:11]<atheros> EOF
[23:57:31]<waterlaz> mm... from what I've read wayland won't use any more stuff xorg does
[00:00:46]<atheros> that must be a lie
[00:01:18]<atheros> maybe something that X extensions use
[00:04:42]<waterlaz> atheros, basically xorg allready does all that
[00:06:22]<atheros> xorg is using opengl to render?
[00:10:21]<waterlaz> what do you mean uses opengl to render?
[00:11:10]<waterlaz> your apps right now anyway use stuff like drm to render
[00:11:51]<L29Ah> leechcraft link is a good way to ignite a conversation :3
[00:12:14]<waterlaz> :D
[00:12:53]<atheros> I guess so

7. nekoexmachinaL29Ah /6 10.02.2012 03:02

>линк на ютуп

Они пилят _это_, когда есть 12309 и херово работающие свободные драйвера на nvidia/ati?

Do you really want to delete ?