lexszero 28.08.2012 19:39 nyapad

Типичные разговоры в #bitcoin-otc
[23:36]<gmaxwell> Oh, we'll thats not true. I'm just conventionally american fat.
[23:36]<danieldaniel> I have a picture of you gmaxwell
[23:36]<danieldaniel> It aint pretty
[23:37]<danieldaniel> gmaxwell: http://bit.ly/QPy3CD
[23:37]<danieldaniel> This is not acceptable.
[23:38]<danieldaniel> Do you realize how much of an embarrassment you are to the bitcoin community?

Recommended by: @anonim
1. lexszero 28.08.2012 20:16 nyapad

[00:15]* danieldaniel wipes the sperm off of my pants
[00:15]* danieldaniel smells my hand
[00:15]<uw> easy there
[00:15]<aethero> (O_o)
[00:15]<danieldaniel> Ahhhhhh
[00:16]<danieldaniel> oh
[00:16]<danieldaniel> wrong chan
[00:16]* [\\\] sets mode #bitcoin-otc +q danieldaniel

2. bormanlexszero /1 28.08.2012 20:32


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