19.10.2012 07:09 nyapad
Unlike earlier stimulants (e.g. caffeine, methylphenidate (Ritalin), and the amphetamines), ampakines do not seem to have unpleasant, long-lasting side effects such as sleeplessness.
чото типа модафинила штоле
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> Few side effects have been determined, but an ampakine called farampator (CX-691) has side effects including headache, somnolence, nausea, and impaired episodic memory.[3]
хуй знает. я об этой штуке узнал, прогуглив мыло одного эйчара, который стукнулся ко мне с предложением работы в гермашке, лол.
какой хороший эйчар
да, мне доставило. еще у него во вконтактике в любимых фильмах weeds и breaking bad.
> breaking bad
говно же ну, в стиле "не связывайся с наркотиками"
кстати, посоны грят — модафинил хуита:
My point is of all the meds i purchased,the only one i truly regret
WASTING my money on was modfanil.The med without insurance is grossly
expensive,at the time however i was determined to find something.
I expected since it effected dopamine it would have some mood
elevating properties like deprenyl or parnate,but it did not for me.
All it did for me was cause very serious bouts of insomnia,it did not
feel like a dopamine enhancer at all.GHB and deprenyl had a distinct
feeling to it as far as the increase of dopamine,which were similiar
in a way.
Modfanil resembled niether,in my personal experiance id recomend
trying deprenyl first,it effects dopamine and is a shitload
cheaper,youre looking at 65 dollers to modafinils 200 dollers.
I wouldent touch that shit again,just my opinion.
модафинил как альтернатива кофеину норм, но как серьезный психостимулятор типа амфетамина/метамфетамина/кокаина говно конечно
лол, хотеть http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/j...
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