I started when LFS 3.3 came out
LFS is still my favorate operating system, and the distribution I
learned linux on (well, first mandrake [couldn't find xterm], then
slackware [2gb software, never understood what all the pkg's were]).
It gave me a small base OS that I could add onto with the hints. For
the first few years, I never even had XFree86 installed. The terminal
As time went on, BLFS was born. Mozilla brought out their browser,
Xorg forked. More and More opensource software was being refined, and
available for my use. I appreciated how LFS/BLFS were adhering to
standards, and working with upstream as opposed to keeping our own
separate set of patches.
Not only was it a simple basic system, it also had the latest
technologies & packages. Watching linux evolve, when we moved from
linux 2.4 to linux 2.6, the fun when tls came out. Some of the most
interesting changes I have seen were the move from mknod (and the
makedev makefile) to udev, the addition of grub (and later grub2), as
well as the introduction of 64bit.
(I wonder if I am the only one who misses such grand changes...
things seem more stabler these days).
22.01.2012 07:19 YGG!
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