ojab 26.05.2012 10:10 YGG!

* udev: all udev sources are merged into the systemd source tree now.
All future udev development will happen in the systemd tree. It
is still fully supported to use the udev daemon and tools without
systemd running, like in initramfs or other init systems. Building
udev though, will require the *build* of the systemd tree, but
udev can be properly *run* without systemd.

* udev: the daemon binary is called systemd-udevd now and installed
in /usr/lib/systemd/. Standalone builds or non-systemd systems need
to adapt to that, create symlink, or rename the binary after building

1. Velvet-Bird 26.05.2012 10:12 pidgin


2. Klava 26.05.2012 10:31 tkabber

ну и кому это интересно?

3. Velvet-BirdKlava /2 26.05.2012 10:32 pidgin


4. ojabKlava /2 26.05.2012 10:33 YGG!


5. KlavaVelvet-Bird /3 26.05.2012 10:34 tkabber

ты не считаешься

6. Klavaojab /4 26.05.2012 10:35 tkabber

и ты тоже

7. ojabKlava /5 26.05.2012 10:35 YGG!

и ты тоже

8. Velvet-BirdKlava /5 26.05.2012 10:36 pidgin

а кто считается?

9. Klavaojab /7 26.05.2012 10:36 tkabber

ожидаемый ответ))))))

10. KlavaVelvet-Bird /8 26.05.2012 10:37 tkabber


Do you really want to delete ?