
mva 18.12.2012 18:28

22:17:03 <dcbw> | I'm never going to approve patch that just says "add a config flag to stop touching resolv.conf" because that doesn't actually solve the problem in a good way; it's a hack
22:17:46 <dcbw> | we need to provide a complete solution, which includes the plugin-type interface and as a result of that, we ... more →

arts 18.09.2011 20:57

Авторы network manager — всем говноедам говноеды. Даже индусы из негрософта по сравнению с ними гении.
/etc/init.d/gdm stop — И СЕТИ НЕТ. Кто, блядь, их надоумил поднимать сеть иксовым говном?

*nm is used by:



