
ulidtko 02.01.2013 00:39

To write- писать. It is a simple Russian word. Nothing weird about it, nothing unusual. An ordinary Russian verb.

But look- it has a few ...just a couple of little, itty bitty variations, depending on the grammatical situation:

писать (verb, imperfective aspect, transitive)
писать infinitive
писаться infinitive, ... more →

Ky6uk 24.12.2012 16:05

Почему-то проиграл http://nabiraem.ru/adm_imgs/2985.jpg

Ky6uk 13.12.2012 21:12

Фильм "Бригада: Наследник"
Описание: <...> Герой, комфортно живший за границей, тем не менее, выбирает Россию (в отличие от сериала) и остается жить в ней, надеясь привнести эти идеалы в жизнь своих близких и страны в целом.

Обосрался просто.

Ky6uk 29.11.2012 08:42

> http://forum.edusite.ru/error/notactive....
Проиграл с логотипа как пёс просто.

ulidtko 03.10.2012 11:18

Dear All,

Please be informed that in case you received in Skype message like this: ey eto vasha novaya kartina profil'? http:// PLEASE IGNORE THIS MESSAGE!!!
But if you have already opened this link please contact IT Support.

Thank you for your attention,

ulidtko 10.05.2012 21:08

> We have an employee whose last name is Null. He kills our employee lookup app when his last name is used as the search term...

ulidtko 09.05.2012 16:00

Смотрите, смотрите, СЛАДКИЙ ПИТОН: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-CoyBV...

ulidtko 08.05.2012 09:57

#define USING_QT 1

ulidtko 24.04.2012 20:14

The story starts that I was supposed to meet friend 1 at his house when friend 2 arrived at friend 1's house. Well, friend 1 calls and says friend 2 hasn't shown up yet, and being an hour late, he was worried. I just said friend 2 was a always late, and to think nothing of it. Friend 1 calls back 10 minutes later ... more →

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