rapture 16.09.2011 11:28 unknown

>Сегодня мы предоставим вашему вниманию перевод поста Стива Клабника (Steve Klabnik), известного разработчика, приверженца Ruby, одного из победителей Ruby Hero Award этого года.
Чувак стал писать на Ruby и becom a hero?

1. rtsome 16.09.2011 11:38

>why the lucky stiff (often known simply as Why or _why) is the persona formerly used by an anonymous and prolific writer, cartoonist, musician, artist, and computer programmer notable for his work with the Ruby programming language. Along with Yukihiro Matsumoto and David Heinemeier Hansson, he was seen as a key figure in the Ruby community.
>On 19 August 2009, his online presence was drastically truncated; his accounts on Twitter and GitHub were shut down, along with many of his personally maintained sites.

2. rapturertsome /1 16.09.2011 11:41 unknown


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