werehuman 11.03.2011 06:32 lithium

http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2010/5/25/wsgi-o... оказывается, все очень плохо.
«Right now I'm a little bit afraid we end up with a specification that requires use to do the encode/decode/encode/decode dance just because the standard library and a limitation on the bytes object makes us do. Because one thing is for certain: ASCII and bytes are here to stay. Nobody can change the protocols that are in use, and even those would on the very bottom have to be based on bytes. And if the tools to work with them are not good enough in Python 3 we will see the problems with that on multiple levels, not just WSGI (Databases, email, and more).»
Поросенок Петр должен смотреть в сторону RoR и Node.js?

1. hanyuupoke 11.03.2011 06:33 PeCa

Только асм и только хардкор :coolface:

2. werehumanhanyuupoke /1 11.03.2011 06:33 lithium

> Только пхп и только хардкор

3. arts 11.03.2011 06:34 BombusMod

Короче, линакс^Wпейтон3 еще не готов для десктопа^Wразработки.

4. werehumanarts /3 11.03.2011 06:35 lithium

быть может никогда не будет готов

5. artswerehuman /4 11.03.2011 06:38 BombusMod

Но он хотя бы существует, в отличие от сферических пхп6 и перл6, например.

6. werehumanarts /3 11.03.2011 06:38 lithium

I am happy to accept a quasi-unicode support as well and will port Werkzeug over to it. But it's probably still the time to improve the specification and language that everybody is happy.

7. werehuman 11.03.2011 06:39 lithium

The reason why Python 3 is not as good as it could be, is that far too few people look at it. It is clear that the future of Python will be Python 3 and that there are no intentions of make other releases than Python 2.7, so to make the process less painful it's necessary to start playing with it now.

So I encourage everyone to play with Python 3, the spec, the standard library so that there is more input. Maybe the bytes issue does look like I think it is, maybe it's not. But if only a four people are discussing the issue, there is too few input to make rational decisions.

В общем, "в жаббере никого нет потому, что в жаббере никого нет".

8. utros 11.03.2011 15:42 eoranged

Я уже подумываю по поводу своего языка с блекджеком и всем остальным, но, думаю, для серверных развлечений пока буду юзать окамль, питон и луа, ибо остальное вообще пиздец.

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