werehuman 21.07.2011 08:19 Psi+

$ vrms
Non-free packages installed on lithium

gcc-4.4-doc documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++)
gcc-doc-base several GNU manual pages

1. utros 21.07.2011 09:42 eoranged

Лол. Ты поставл проприетарный gcc!

2. Minoru 21.07.2011 12:31 netbook

$ tail -3 /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4-doc/copyright
This package is part of debian non-free archive because it contains gcc
documentation files that are licenced under the terms of GFDL and do
contain invariant sections. Distribution of such files is against DFSG.
$ tail -3 /usr/share/doc/gcc-doc-base/copyright
This package is part of debian non-free archive because it contains gcc
documentation files that are licenced under the terms of GFDL and do
contain invariant sections. Distribution of such files is against DFSG.

Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG): http://www.debian.org/social_contract#gu...

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