zetokearts 28.04.2012 16:21 yukimori

LOLWHAT? http://psto.net/users
I read: -5
My readers: 106

1. utros 28.04.2012 16:24 pedobook

Так и должно быть :)

2. zetokeutros /1 28.04.2012 16:27 yukimori

Да? Кажется, я чего-то не понимаю, лолд ;3

3. eurekafag 28.04.2012 16:36 Home

Actually, one can unread what has been read already and unsubscribe whom he was subscribed to. It's a unique, semi-god power which isn't given away for free but gained in worst butthurt wars ever. And it requires deleting all of your posts one day to achieve your destiny.

Do you really want to delete ?