Тяготясь условиями одной компании, морщась от наглости другой, я месяц за месяцем продолжал искать дешёвый low-end vps, нищебродство наше всё. И внезапно
Some of us are paying hundreds or thousands of dollars per month on a dedicated server with multiple cores, gigabytes of memory and a huge disk array. Some of us, however, only have a few bucks spare each month to pay for a low end box…
This website is dedicated for running websites and services on low end dedicated servers/virtual private servers, where you only need to pay a few dollars a month to get full root access. Most of them will be CPU, memory, space and bandwidth limited, but can still be a work horse if tuned properly.
I will be listing virtual server deals for less than USD$7 per month..
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