
Minoru 05.06.2011 13:33

RFC 1855 “Netiquette Guidelines”

Minoru 04.01.2011 12:23

Some quotation from [1] which I liked the most

1. http://www-crypto.htw-saarland.de/weber/...

“If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.”
—Robert Sewell

“The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. ... more →

Minoru 15.12.2010 19:45

Вдогонку к #osefh — ещё подборка. На этот раз цитаты стырены отсюда:

“Lisp isn't a language, it's a building material.” —Alan Kay

“Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.” —Edward V ... more →

Minoru 15.12.2010 19:34

Этот пост — подборка понравившихся мне цитат на тему компьютеров вообще и программирования в частности. Цитаты честно спёрты из следующих ... more →

Do you really want to delete ?

*computers is used by:



