Jabber/ICQ bot commands overview

How to start

Для начала добавьте бота psto@psto.net в ростер.

register nickname - register with the chosen nickname.
login - get the URL to login at the website.

How to post

To submit a post, just send it as text.

@username [text] - send a public message to user.
P @username [text] - send a private message to user.
P [text] - create a private note for yourself.

Also you can add up to 10 tags. Just write an asterisk and then comma separated tags before post text. Tags must end with new line or double slash (//).
For example:

* tags list, example
Tags example psto.


@user *tags list, example
Tags example psto.

#post_id - посмотреть псто.
#post_id+ - посмотреть псто с комментариями.

Also, you may change tags in your existing psto:
#post_id * tag1, !tag2, tag3
The exclamation mark is used to remove the existing tags.

#post_id - show the post.
#post_id+ - show the post with comments.

+N - show last N posts.
For example, +10.

D #post_id - delete post.

! #post_id [text] - recommend psto. You may add some text to the recommendation.
! #post_id/comment_id [text] - recommend comment.

~ #post_id [text] - add psto to bookmarks. You may add some text.
~ #post_id/comment_id [text] - add comment to bookmarks.

How to comment

#post_id [text] - reply to the post.
#post_id/comment_id [text] or #post_id.comment_id [text] - reply to the comment.

#post_id/comment_id or #post_id.comment_id - show comment.

D #post_id/comment_id or D #post_id.comment_id - delete comment.

D L - delete last post/comment.

How to subscribe

S @username - subscribe to user's posts.
U @username - unsubscribe from user's posts.

S #post_id - subscribe to post comments.
U #post_id - unsubscribe from post comments.

S *tag - subscribe to tag.
U *tag - unsubscribe from tag.

subs - show users and tags you are subscribed to.
readers - show your readers.

BL @user - add user to black list.
Repeated command deletes user from black list.

BL *tag - add tag to black list.
Repeated command deletes tag from black list.

BL - view black list contents.


@username - show user info.
@username+ - show user info and 10 most recent user's posts.

off - disable messages delivery.
on - enable messages delivery.

lang ru - switch to russian.
lang en - switch to english.

ping - check server availability.

All commands are case insensitive.