*tuomov[19:42:40] <mirkkipelle> greeeat.
[19:43:28] <mirkkipelle> back in .FuckingImbeciles, they've added traffic lights on my regular route to work
[19:43:53] <mirkkipelle> means: even harder to get across the road than before
[19:44:23] <mirkkipelle> the cars 100% certainly won't stop if it's not red for them
[19:44:23] <mirkkipelle> and it will be green for peds/cyclists 0.001% of the time
[19:44:32] <mirkkipelle> nope
[19:46:21] <mirkkipelle> (it's not a road-road crossing, but basically a road-square crossing
[19:46:40] <mirkkipelle> so no cars going in the other direction ==> the direction cars are going in, gets all the time
[19:59:20] <jham> yaarg: i guess the topic is obsolete now