- @L29Ah:
Currently resident in: Graz (Austria)
- @L29Ah: Ня!
- @Voker57: *ion *tuomovНа #notion выбирают сервис петиций без лягушек и слова "Free", дабы не оскорбить чувства туомова
- @komar: Напиши на мёрбе.
- @Voker57: *хуита *ion *tuomovТуомов опять куда-то исчез, на этот раз прихватив с собой свои сайты. io3-scripts уже спасли [ dump.bitcheese.net ] , если у кого завалялся клон главного репа или архив высеров третьего тега, то шарьте.
- @L29Ah: Реквестирую b
- @Voker57: *tuomov *кактусы[03:25:03] <tuomov> upc isn't worth shit.
[03:25:17] <tuomov> I can't download anything, when it keeps dropping off all the time
[03:26:47] <tuomov> stoopid rapidcrap
[03:26:50] <tuomov> I want torrents
[03:37:21] <tuomov> but the torrent scene seems dead
[03:37:57] <tuomov> everything is rapidcrap and rapidclone-with-a-gazillion-pron-ads-crap- @Thriller: Поржал, особенно над 37:21
- @Voker57: *tuomov<tuomov> I'm soon switching to IE6
<tuomov> it's the most lightweight browser I know19 months ago; 36 replies- @Thriller: Познакомьте его с lynx for windows.
- @Voker57: *tuomov[11:30:35] <tuomov> I need to get a better personal email provider
[11:30:46] <tuomov> one that has a an smtp server that you can connect to from anywhere...
[11:30:58] <tuomov> not just their copmuters- @Thriller: Он во всех сферах деятельности такой ограниченный?
- @L29Ah: ШТО
- @Voker57: *tuomov *кактусы[18:37:16] <tuomov> I love it when I have to wait for computers...
[18:37:37] <tuomov> they're supposed to be fast at doing stuff, make live easier
[18:38:17] <fgeek> They are at least to me .)
[18:40:32] <tuomov> usually they do the opposite- @Thriller: Почему до сих пор никто не открыл цитатника навроде «мицголизмов»?
- @Voker57: *tuomov<csant> if you show cairnsmowercity.com to somebody, and the first thing this person tells you is "blood, murder", then you do start wondering about the emotional and psycological background of that person.
<mirkkipelle> lol, I first thought "blood, murder"22 months ago - @Voker57: *tuomov[19:42:40] <mirkkipelle> greeeat.
[19:43:28] <mirkkipelle> back in .FuckingImbeciles, they've added traffic lights on my regular route to work
[19:43:53] <mirkkipelle> means: even harder to get across the road than before
[19:44:23] <mirkkipelle> the cars 100% certainly won't stop if it's not red for them
[19:44:23] <mirkkipelle> and it will be green for peds/cyclists 0.001% of the time
[19:44:32] <mirkkipelle> nope
[19:46:21] <mirkkipelle> (it's not a road-road crossing, but basically a road-square crossing
[19:46:40] <mirkkipelle> so no cars going in the other direction ==> the direction cars are going in, gets all the time
[19:59:20] <jham> yaarg: i guess the topic is obsolete now22 months ago - @Voker57: *tuomov<yaarg> i'm just going to google professor valkonen every few years
<yaarg> he'll turn up some day
<yaarg> i guess i should also google serial killer valkonen in case
<fgeek> or "FOSS+tuomov+murder"
<Raging_Hog> I'll try the gardener search. One of us is bound to find him
<Gumboot_> Surely he's most likely to go and live in a tin shed out in the countryside somewhere.22 months ago - @Voker57: *tuomovAll these thrilling possibilities offered by advanced file systems remind me of Plan K from Kludgespace: the effort of trying to provide in Linux with FUSE and other kludges, a poor approximation of the neat file system based design of Plan 9
- @L29Ah:
Plan K from Kludgespace
- @Voker57: *tuomov[23:31:46] <jham> what happened to tuomo? did one finally pay him for ion with some tons beer?
[23:34:16] <opqdonut> missing in action
[23:36:07] <jham> windows crushed his pc, maybe
[23:36:13] <yaarg> watch the news
[23:36:40] <jham> hm?
[23:37:32] <jham> which ones do yuo mean
[23:39:28] <yaarg> finnish man in crazed shooting spree on university campus
[23:39:30] <yaarg> sort of news
[23:40:56] <jham> some days ago there was such a spree in germany again
[23:41:18] <jham> with molotow-cocktails and.. axe!
[23:41:23] <jham> wtf..
[00:07:27] <yaarg> that's compltely tuomov style23 months ago