@mva: *N900 *NOKIA *SDK *nopython *ппцskim@antixpuct maemosdk % ./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py :(
skim@antixpuct maemosdk % echo '(выводит сообщение) Root access is needed! Please run this application with root privileges!' :(
(выводит сообщение) Root access is needed! Please run this application with root privileges!
skim@antixpuct maemosdk % sudo ./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py :)
Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-skimuQ0pyd" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py", line 3765, in <module>
File "./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py", line 3754, in main
wizard = InstallWizard()
File "./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py", line 3655, in __init__
self.setPage(PageIdNokiaBins, NokiaBinsPage())
File "./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py", line 1769, in __init__
TypeError: QWizardPage.registerField(QString, QWidget, str property=None, SIGNAL() changedSignal=0): argument 4 has unexpected type 'str'
QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
/// Иксовое приложени пускать из-под рута — это ппц!!!