gisty 29.10.2011 05:51 work72A9A3B1
хм... кто там что кричал по поводу атомных электростанций?

1. Akirame-Miko 29.10.2011 05:52 Psi+


2. gistyAkirame-Miko /1 29.10.2011 05:58 work72A9A3B1

там же слева написано вроде:
An interactive map showing how all active reactors and reprocessing plants (EU & CH) have fared under stress tests ordered by the EU after the Fukushima disaster. The map is based on an initial analysis of >10,000 official report pages (mostly interim regulator reports submitted by 15 Sep) and may change as new documents are released.

No nuclear power station is guaranteed safe. Human error, organisational or technical problems, natural disasters or terrorist attack, sabotage or acts of war mean that even the newest and most sophisticated can lead to significant radioactive leaks similar to Chernobyl and Fukushima.

No European nuclear plant can withstand impact from a Boeing 767 sized aircraft, the same used by terrorists on 9/11. Stress tests pledged to examine such crashes, but did not.

Map last updated 28 Oct 2011

Made by Greenpeace EU

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