kb 12.01.2012 12:03 c8541125

13:02 <k_bx> Hi everyone! I am having this bug when firefox starts consuming 100% when you type something in location bar and then stops auto-completing until 100% consuming is ended. So I thought I could try to look at algorithm how it auto-completes, and possibly look at sql-queries to sqlite database (as I understand you use that). Maybe the reason is that I have tons of bookmarks and you don't use indexes on some lookups. Could you please help me
13:02 <k_bx> where should I start with? Thank you.
13:02 <k_bx> Oh, description of bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cg...
13:17 <Archaeopteryx> k_bx: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/The_Pla...
13:17 <Archaeopteryx> yes, i also experience this bug

2. utros 12.01.2012 20:53 eoranged

man firefox 12

3. kbutros /2 12.01.2012 23:36

? но вообще да, мне сказали, что что-то пофиксили в ночных сборках

Do you really want to delete ?