27.03.2012 09:30
How to use emacs properly:
First, you need to remember where emacs is, using the rm (remember) command:
rm -f `which emacs`
Next, you need to tell the system that you want to use emacs in visual mode:
alias emacs=vi
Now, you're all set to use emacs! To edit a file, just type
emacs filename
I hope this information has been useful.
Recommended by:
@kainwinterheart: Двачую. :)
@magog: WIN
@hirthwork: WIN
@rapture: EPIC GAGAGA
and @lHooFool, @werehuman, @muhas, @werdn, @silvery, @part1zano, @lockie
пиздец ты боянист
куча нужных действий опущена, надо еще тонны параметров изменить