
odin 13.01.2012 04:08

Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

Lao Tzu

odin 21.12.2011 12:25

настоящий хардкор-минималист должен быть лысым

odin 05.12.2011 08:24

People will give you pitying looks when they see you have a simple dumb phone, and can’t play Angry Birds or use Instagram on the train like they can.

odin 05.12.2011 07:19

It’s a way to escape the excesses of the world around us — the excesses of consumerism, material possessions, clutter, having too much to do, too much debt, too many distractions, too much noise. But too little meaning. Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non-essential in order to focus on what’s truly important, ... more →

*minimalism is used by: