From: Stack Overflow Careers 2.0 <do-not-reply@stackoverflow.com>
To: ulidtko@gmail.com
Subject: Expanding your Reputation
We’re impressed by your “python” tag answers on Stack Overflow. In recognition of your generous spirit, we’d like to invite you to create a professional profile on Stack Overflow Careers 2.0.
A Careers 2.0 profile is a great place to showcase your professional work as a programmer – Stack Exchange answers, open source projects, even the books you’ve read.
Click here to accept the invitation. It’s free!
Even if you’re not looking for a new career today, your Careers 2.0 profile will be your professional home on the web. It lets your colleagues, friends, and peers know who you are and what great work you’re doing. It’s a terrific way to build your professional reputation and take your career to the next level. And it’s fun!
You’ll always have complete control over what’s in your profile, who can see it, and whether or not employers can contact you.
But please act soon: this invitation expires in 14 days, so sign up now!
Even if you decide not to join Careers 2.0, we would like to thank you for all your contributions to Stack Overflow. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
Best wishes,
The Stack Overflow team
рекламируют свой говносервис, которым спустя год после запуска так никто и не пользуется