Новый сотрудник спросил играю ли я в игры, а то у него есть много лишних копий доты. Сказал, что игры меня не интересуют, бгг.
Новый сотрудник спросил играю ли я в игры, а то у него есть много лишних копий доты. Сказал, что игры меня не интересуют, бгг.
Запустил доту, кликнул поиск игры, лег полежать и уснул. Так прошел мой вечер, псач.
xxx: russian shit
yyy: i am not russian
xxx: lol u english very bad, russian shit)
> Winning
> Even with this team, I managed to win.
> Respawning Quickly
> Trolls always get the last word.
> Killing a Hero
> Trololololoed.
> Enchantress
> — Untouchable AS reduction increased from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110
— *Doom duration increased from 13 to 15 (and scepter from 14 to 16)*
Drow Ranger:
- Trueshot Aura mechanics reworked
Global Aura. *Gives you and all allied ranged units a portion of your agility as bonus damage.*
Bonus Damage: 14/18/22/26% of your agility as damage
Note: Can be toggled on and ... more →
Это мы с @hedgehog играем в доту ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
"cl_singleplayernetworkbackdoor" = "0" — Enable network optimizations for single player games.
Ну это вообще пушка:
Requiem of Souls has a new passive component that triggers upon death
Upon dying half of Shadow Fiend's souls (the amount lost on death) will be released as if you had cast Requiem of Souls with those souls. This cast doesn't put the spell on cooldown and will trigger if it is on cooldown. It ... more →
Doom Bringer
- Devour creep level restriction removed
- Devour cooldown from 60/55/50/45 to 70/60/50/40
- Devour gold from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100
- Devour manacost from 60 to 60/50/40/30
- Level Death bonus damage now deals 20% of Max HP instead of a fixed amount
- Level Death damage increased from ... more →